Publication Grants
The aim is to subsidise the publication of essential illustrative material in high quality research, particularly in research monographs.
Grants will normally have a ceiling of £1,000.
Applicants should use the Publication Grant Form and must ensure that they provide a full listing and description of the illustrative material, its source and the documented costs of obtaining the material for publication. A detailed description of the nature and content of the research monograph or other output must also be included and a case should be made for the importance of the illustrations to the analysis.
Where funding is sought to complete or to part-finance a commissioned work and/or a work to be published under the auspices of a university, museum, gallery or similar, please specify the necessity and case for, and the role of, the additional external funding.
Please use the Publication Grant Form and submit your application and a brief CV by email to
DEADLINE FOR PUBLICATION GRANTS: 15th February and 1st September each year.
If you have further queries as to whether you are eligible or about the type of support do please e-mail the Pasold Research Fund's Director, Dr Bethan Bide at or